Pseudo : mDthGirGKJiLJ

Pays: xTfYarrbKyKEiBEXo


Commissariat: ANmRWsEOfJSlE

I’ve come to collect a parcel https://www.qnez.net/stmap_62vpkwfl.html?levitra.periactin.ciloxan.doxycycline famotidine use in gujarati The revolution that we saw on June 30th had its roots not only in a well-organized and systematic campaign by the youth of the Tamarod movement, but by collective participation from people of all ages, backgrounds and income brackets. It worked because it appealed to legitimate grievances felt by a majority of Egyptian citizens who were once again prepared to take to the streets to defend our right to speak and to resist authoritarian rule. Within this larger movement, the role played by the poor and marginalized cannot be overestimated; their reasons for disillusionment with Mursi were manifold and their actions were a response to increased poverty, increased exclusion and cumulative fury at the arrogance of the Muslim Brotherhood and their cronies and their betrayal of this country.

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